Checking AppLink campaign stats

Checking AppLink campaign stats

Once the campaign is started, on the main page you will see that number if Impressions and Conversions are changing. These number reflect the cumulative data for yor campaign

Impressions: the number of events when your ad was shown to subscriber

Conversions: the number of events when your ad was clicked OK

 View date-wise stats

To view stats by date, please do the following:

  1. On the main page click ‘chart’ sign in Stats column of the required campaign

  2. In popup window select timeframe (from and to dates) and click ‘View’ button

  3. A chart will be shown in a while, showing date-wise stats (Impressions and Conversions)

  4. You can also download chart data in CSV format. Click ‘Report’ button for this.

screenshot 2024-06-10 в 11.47.46.png
Campaign stats