How payout is calculated
Number of conversions (or payout) is the number of users which activated the promoted service.
When users gives 1st and 2nd consent there are two options:
User has enough balance to activate the service. In this case the payout number is increased by 1.
User doesn’t have enough balance to activate the service. In this case the uses is put to grace period state by SDP. OmniChannel platform starts periodically checking the status of activated service on SDP. Those checks are done approx. every 4 hours in the next 7 days. Once the platform finds that user switched from Grace Period to Subscribed state, the number of payout is increased by 1. Payout date will be set as the date when OmniChannel found that subscription state changed.
One of the outcome of this flow is that sometimes in daily reports there are situations when the total number of double consents is LOWER than the sum of Parked and Subscribed users.